4. Documentary
evidence: European accounts
We now present a brief
summary of all the post-Babar accounts of Ayodhya recorded by European
travellers, archaeologists and scholars.
1) Travel report by
William Finch, the European traveller (1608-11).
Finch, who visited Ayodhya,
confirms the existence of the ruins of Ramkot, the castle of Ram where
Hindus believed he had incarnated thousands of years ago. (see Annexure
11 for the relevant extract from William Foster, ed.: Early Travels
in India, 1583-1619, London 1921 p.176)
2) History and Geography
of India, by Joseph Tieffenthaler, (published in French by Bernoulli
in 1785).
Tieffenthaler, the Austrian
Jesuit priest who stayed in Awadh in 1766-71, reports that Babar destroyed
the birth-place temple of Ram and constructed a mosque by using its pillars.
However, Hindus refused to give up the place and in spite of the Moghuls'
efforts to prevent them, they were coming to the place for worship.
They had constructed the Ram Chabootra in the mosque's courtyard, which
they used to perambulate thrice, then to prostrate on the ground.
They practised their devotion at the chabootra and in the mosque.
Tieffenthaler testifies that they continued celebrating Ram Navami with
great gatherings of people from all over India. (see Annexure 12,
containing pp.253-254 of Tieffenthaler's Description Historique et Geographique
de l'Inde, along with an English translation)
3) Report by Montgomery
Martin, British Surveryor (1838).
He proposes that the
Masjid was built on the ruins of the Ramkot itself, rather than of a building
constructed by Vikramaditya, and that the pillars used in the mosque have
been taken from Ram's palace, the figures thereon having been damaged by
the bigot (i.e. Babar). (see Annexure 13 for pp.335-336 of Martin
: History, Antiquities, Topography and Statistics of Eastern India,
4) East India Company
Gazetteer, by Edward Thornton (1854).
This mentiones that
Babar's mosque is embellished with 14 columns of elaborate workmanship
taken from the old Hindu temple. It also mentions that the Hindus
practised pilgrimage and devotion on the Ram Chabootra which they believed
to be Ram's cradle. (see Annexure 14 for pp.730-740 of Thornton :
Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East India
5) Encyclopaedia
of India by Surgeon General Edward Balfour (1858).
It mentions that Ayodhya
has three mosques on the sites of three Hindu shrines : the Janmasthan,
the site where Ram was born ; the Swargadwar Mandir, where his remains
were buried ; and the Treta ka Thakur, famed as the scene of one of his
great sacrifices. (see Annexure 15 for p.56 of Balfour : Encyclopaedia
of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia)
6) Historical Sketch
of Faizabad by P. Carnegy (1870).
He describes the Ramkot
with all its bastions and palaces and says that the columns of Janmasthan
temple made of strong close-grained dark slate-coloured Kasauti (or touch-stone)
and carved with different devices were used by Muslims in the construction
of Babar's mosque. Carnegy also notes the construction of the new
Janmasthan temple on the neighbouring plot of land in the early 18th century.
He reports that until 1855 both Hindus and Muslims worshipped alike in
the mosque-temple. (see Annexure 16 for Carnegy : Historical Sketck
of Tehsil Fyzabad, Zilla Fyzabad, with the old capitals Ajudhia and Fyzabad,
Lucknow 1970, p.5-7, 19-21 and a photograph taken by Carnegy)
7) Gazetteer of the
Province Oudh (1877).
It confirms that the
Moghuls destroyed three important Hindu temples at Ayodhya and constructed
mosques thereon. Babar built the Babri mosque on Ram Janmabhoomi
in 1528, Aurangzeb built one on Swargadwar, and either Aurangzeb or Shahjahan
did the same on Treta ka Thakur. All other assertions from Carnegy's
Historical Sketch of Faizabad are confirmed in this Gazetteer.
(see Annexure 17 : Gazetteer of the Province of Oudh, vol.I, 1877,
8) Faizabad Settlement
Report (1880).
The report confirms
that Babar built the Babri mosque in 1528 on the site of Janmasthan temple
marking the birthplace of Ram. On Swargadwar Mandir, Aurangzeb constructed
a mosque, and on Treta-ka-Thakur the same was done by either Aurangzeb
or Shahjahan, according to the well-known Mohammedan practice of enforcing
their religion on others. The columns of the destroyed Janmasthan
temple have been used in the Babri mosque.
9) Imperial Gazetteer
of Faizabad (1881).
It confirms the construction
of three Moghul mosques at Ayodhya on the site of three celebrated shrines,
viz. Janmasthan, Swargadwar and Treta-ka-Thakur. (see Annexure
18 : Imperial Gazetteer of India, Provincial Series. United Provinces
of Agra and Oudh, vol.II, pp.338-9)
10) Court verdict
by Col. F.E.A. Chamier, District Judge, Faizabad (1886).
In delivering his judgment
in Civil Appeal No. 27 of 1885, the Judge, after visiting the Babri mosque
site for personal inspection, observed :"It is most unfortunate that a
Masjid should have been built on land specially held sacred by the Hindus,
but as that event occurred 356 years ago, it is too late now to remedy
the grievance." (see Annexure 19 : extract reproduced in Muslim India,
March 1986, p. 107)
11) Archaeological Survey
of India Report by A. Fuhrer (1891).
Fuhrer accepts that
Mir Khan built the Babri mosque on the site of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple,
using many of its columns. He also confirmed that Aurangzeb had constructed
two other mosques in Ayodhya on the sites of Swargadwar and Treta-ka-Thakur
temples. (see Annexure 20 : Fuhrer : The Monumental Antiquities
and Inscriptions in the North-West Provinces and Oudh, ASI Report 1891,
12) Barabanki District
Gazetteer by H.R. Neville (1902).
Neville reports that
"numerous disputes have sprung up from time to time between the Hindu priests
and the Mussalmans of Ayodhya with regard to the ground on which formerly
stood the Janmasthan temple, which was destroyed by Babar and replaced
by a mosque". (see Annexure 21 : Neville: Barabanki District Gazetteer,
Lucknow 1902, p.168-169)
13) Faizabad District
Gazetteer by H.R. Neville (1905).
This chronicle confirms
that the Janmasthan temple marking the birthplace of Ram at Ramkot was
destroyed by Babar and replaced by a mosque using the materials and columns
of the temple. In spite of its desecration, Hindus continued to regard
it as a holy spot. The desecration caused numerous disputes and clashes
between the communities. (see Annexure 22 : Neville : Fyzabad
District Gazetteer, Lucknow 1905, pp.172-177)
14) Babur Nama in
English by Annette Beveridge (1920).
After analysing the
inscriptions on the Babri mosque and studying the archaeological features,
she says that Babur was impressed with the dignity and sanctity of the
ancient Hindu shrine it displaced, and that as an obedient follower of
Mohammed, Babar regarded the substitution of the temple by a mosque as
dutiful and worthy. (see Annexure 23 : Beveridge : Babur Nama
in English, vol II., 1922, appendix on "The inscriptions on Babur's Mosque
in Ajodhya (Oudh)", p.xxvii-xxix)
15) Archaeological
Survey of India (1934).
It identifies all the
holy sites of Ayodhya with reference to the ancient texts, numbered them
and put up sign posts in stone to mark the sites. The Babri mosque
was identified as the Ram Janmabhoomi and a sign post was embedded there
saying :"Site no. 1 : Janmabhoomi".
16) Revised Faizabad
District Gazetteer by Smt. E.V. Joshi (1960).
This Gazetteer records
that under Babar's orders the ancient Janmasthan temple was destroyed and
the Babri mosque was constructed on its site. The material of the
old temple including some of the original columns were employed in building
the mosque. (see Annexure 24 : U.P. District Gazetteers - Faizabad,
Lucknow 1960, pp. 46-47, 352-354)
17) Encyclopaedia
Brittanica (1978, 15th edition, vol.I).
This most authentic
Encyclopaedia records that Ram's birthplace is marked by a mosque erected
by the Moghul emperor Babar in 1528 on the site of an earlier temple.
The Encyclopaedia also provides a photograph of the present structure,
describing it as the mosque on Rama's birthplace, Ayodhya, U.P., India.
Earlier editions of the Encyclopaedia also contained this information.
(see Annexure 25 : E.B. vol.I, p.693)
18) Ayodhya by
Hans Bakker (1984).
In his most comprehensive
study, the Dutch scholar Bakker has repeatedly and categorically accepted
that an old Vaishnava temple was situated on the holy spot where Ram descended
on earth. This Janmabhoomi temple was destroyed by Babar in 1528
and replaced with the now-existing mosque structure. 14 black-stone
pillars from the temple were utilized by Mir Baqi in the constructtion
of the mosque. Two more pillars have been driven upside down into
the ground at the grave of the Muslim saint Musa Ashiqan, who is said to
have incited Babar to demolish the Janmabhoomi temple. A seventeenth
specimen which is a door-jamb with matching sculpture and similar age (and
possibly from the same temple) is kept inside the new Janmasthan temple
on the neighbouring mound. Bakker concludes that Ram Janmabhoomi
temple was one of the oldest Ram temples in the country which was in existence
in the 12th century. (cfr. Bakker : Ayodhya, Egbert
Forsten, Groningen 1986, part I, pp.43-59, 60-66, 119-153, part II, pp.118-121,
143-149, 173-175)
19) Ram Janmabhoomi
vs. Babri Masjid by Koenraad Elst (1990).
The Belgian scholar
Elst has centred his study of the Ayodhya controversy on a critical examination
of the anti-Mandir argumentations of mrs. Surinder Kaur (The Secular
Emperor Babar), Syed Shahabuddin (articles in Muslim India and
Indian Express) and a group of JNU historians (The Political
Abuse of History). Confronting these argumentations with the
available evidence, as well as checking them in terms of logic and methodology,
he concludes that the anti-Mandir thesis is untenable. (cfr. Elst
: Ram Janmabhoomi vs. Babri Masjid, a Case Study in Hindu-Muslim Conflict,
Voice of India, Delhi 1990) |