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The loneliness of an instigator

The loneliness of an instigator

Author: Hermann Jung
Publication: Aseemaa
Date: June 2002

Please excuse me for writing this letter in English; I want to send it to some Indian friends later and hope to save the time for translating it.

I agree with you in calling Imam Bukhari an agitator and instigator, and I also agree that the majority of Indian Muslims is loyal, has a reasonable stand on Kashmir and wants a secular state. Only by "secular" they mean something different from our concept of secularism, namely a state of affairs that prevailed in India from the time of Nehru until recently (see below).

Column 1

The young shopkeeper in Jama Masjid in Delhi says that for years the climate between Hindus and Muslims had been systematically poisoned by the BJP and its sister organisation". This statement sounds as if since the BJP is in power India must be simmering with communal unrest, and unfortunately he does not give any details and examples. More or less the contrary is true; Heavy riots, about which I can give background reports, took place in India under former, governments whereas under the present one ostensibly some people felt the urge to fabricate disturbances and bomb attacks in churches and then accuse "Hindu organisations" in order to bring the BJP-led government down.

The explosions turned out to have been staged by Christians themselves in collusion with a Muslim group. Attacks on nuns and on Christian schools were reported as committed by Hindu fanatics but in reality had a criminal background or were Invented stories.

Column 2

So it, is presumed that Imam Bukhari has been told clearly that he has to keep out of politics. This would be a rather mild reaction of Indian authorities. Just imagine what would have happened to a prominent person or priest of a religious minority in a Muslim country.

In India so far only Hindu priests could cause a storm. In the media by imprudent statements. I remember that in 1968 or 1969 some Shankaracharya quoted a passage in a certain scripture where untouchability was treated whereupon Indian Marxists demanded his flogging in public.

But when a prominent Muslim praises the Taliban, insults his government, when Christians stage bomb blasts and then make false accusations - without even apologizing when the truth comes out - then the large Indian media seem to have no space left on their front pages.

Some more facts about Imam Bukhari:

On Sept. 7, 1998, he used the public address system of Jama Masjid to call the Indian government a Kafir government. When after his incendiary speech his followers committed excesses he quickly flew to Libya. He was repeatedly charged with criminal acts.

In 2000 he declared in an interview that India herself fabricated terrorism Kashmir to defame the Muslim community and that he did not want Kashmir to remain a part of India. Whereupon a leader of the Indian Shia Community - they are being persecuted in Pakistan - advised him to get Pakistani citizenship.

Column 4

"In India (Muslim) religious rigourism was never converted into a political program or tried to be propagated with the help of arms .... This is not in the nature of Indian Muslims".

These sentences will, at best produce a weary smile on the faces of insiders.

If terrorism is not in the nature of Indian Muslims then we must ask why the Kashmiris, described everywhere as peaceful people, in 1989 struck at the -defenseless Hindu minority first. And world media as well as Human Rights. Organizations report only excesses of Indian security Forces and conceal the root of the trouble, the atrocities of Kashmiri Muslims, armed and instigated by Pakistan, against the Kashmiri Hindus.

Then there is Al-Umma, active mainly in South India. In the nineties alone they blasted an RSS office in Chetput and a Hindu Munnani office nearby, instigated riots in Coimbatore and tried to kill BJP Rajya Sabha MP O. Rajagopal.

Upto 1994 seven prominent members of Hindu Munnani, a reform movement in Tamil Nadu, were murdered by Muslim fundamentalists.

In Malappuram, a Muslim majority district in Kerala, 23000 Hindus were converted to Islam in 1996 alone, partly with the help of petrodollars, mostly under pressure. From the mid-eighties to 1996 about 50 temples were destroyed or damaged and a large number of Hindu owned cinemas damaged by explosions of cigarette bombs. BJP and RSS workers were killed and prominent Hindus received death threats. The RSS office in Thanur was damaged by an explosion and Chekannoor Moulvi a prominent Muslim who criticised extremism in his community, disappeared mysteriously.

The Islamic extremist groups responsible for the above excesses a SIMT (Students Islamic Movement of India), NBF (National Democratic Front), Al-Ulema, Al-Huda, Jehad, Muslim Tiger Force etc.

If a Muslim girl ventures to marry a Hindu boy both may receive death threats from Fundamentalist Muslim organizations. On the other hand, Muslim boys frequently marry poor Hindu girls and get them converted to Islam. The girls can be happy if the marriages were not fake ones in order to keep or sell them as prostitutes.

After September 11, 2001, Muslim youths burst crackers, distributed sweets and took out processions with posters, of Bin Ladin in Kanpur. Muslim youth rioted in Jalgaon. VCDs with Bin Ladin speeches were sold by Muslims in Assam. Muslims rioted when an effigy of Bin Ladin was burnt in Patna. Muslin youth in New Delhi's Jama Masjid chanted: "Taliban, Taliban!" Mullahs exhorted people to boycott Coke and -Pepsi to protest against US air strikes Afghanistan, and then these drinks were banned in most Muslim-owned hotels in Mumbai. 60 policemen were injured when Muslim youth threw stones during an anti-US rally in Hyderabad.

By the way: Imam Bukhari not only lauded Bin Ladin and condemned Americans, he' also called upon his coreligionists to extend total support to the Saudi terrorist because this was their duty as Muslims. He told them that Muslims all over the world would consider an American attack on Afghanistan as an attack on Islam, and they would sacrifice all they had to protect their religion.

He appealed to destroy the enemies of Islam and warned the Indian government that if it supported the US attacks waves of violence would be inevitable in India.

Column 5

"If somebody (in India) questions this concept (of a secular-state) it is the party in power, the Hindu rationalist BJP".

Upon this I can frankly say that the BJP not only does not question this concept but at present is the only political party that will and can realize it.

It will do away with unjust reservations, cancel privileges of minorities and delete untrue and insulting passages in textbooks.

Under former governments the Hindu, majority was discriminated against in the educational sector. School law applied only to Hindus whereas religious minorities in the and some other respects were above law.

- Hindu Institutions needed a licence for opening a school, minorities did not;

- Schools of Hindu institutions had to observe communal representation, i.e. they had to reserve places for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Castes etc. Whereas minority schools could use all their places for their own Community;

- Every Hindu school had to form a school committee, which was not found necessary with minority schools;

- Even if all the teachers and students of a minority school were Hindus the above discriminatory privileges applied;

- The pseudo-secularist politicians forced large Hindu temples and monasteries to form so-called Temple Committees whose members partly consisted of politicians who were always quick to lay their bands on the temple revenue to use the money for non-religions purposes. With mosques and churches this was never practised;

- Land owned by temples were grabbed by politicians and given away according to their whims whereas the property of mosques, churches etc. was not touched.

The Hajj of Muslims to Mekka was subsidized by the government. Pilgrims also were exempted from airport tax and accompanied by medical personnel and Hajj Officers. Air India operated upto 140 special flights to Mekka annually so many regular flights had to be cancelled.

Shortly before the BJP- had coalition came to power the government planned to pay Muslim clerics from the state treasury.

You certainly cannot imagine the Dalai Lama or a Hindu Jagadacharya as a state guest in Berlin or London appealing publicly to Buddhist / Hindu centres in Europe to double their efforts in order to convert Europe to Buddhism/Hinduism in the present century or millennium. But this is what the Pope did in Delhi. And he did not deem it necessary to apologize for the atrocities of the Portuguese in India (which he did for the cruelties of the Crusaders in the Hear East).

Column 6

"A certain feeling of fear of the overwhelming, majority of the Hindus has always been there among Indian Muslims".

So, right from the times of Mahmud of Ghazni they committed all sorts of brutalities out of fear.

But if this feeling is present now there might even be a small measure of bad conscience at the bottom of it. Who knows.

The "feeling of being persecuted" expressed by your interview partner is a psychological masterpiece. If there is no real persecution you simply talk of the feeling, get it published and can he sure to influence world opinion in your favour.

Of course, Ayodhya! Hindu baiters all over India (Muslim and Christian groups, Marxists, Secularists etc.) cling to this structure, a kind of mosque without even a minaret, to prove that Hindu communalism Hindu fascism and what not are on the rise. Here the world has got at least one example of the danger Hindu fascism poses to the minorities.

Fascism, as we all know, goes hand in hand with stupidity. You can gauge the stupidity of the Hindu fascists from the fact that they did not make their own Ayodhya for world opinion out of the following happenings:

a) the selective assassination and following expulsion of nearly the whole Kashmiri Hindu community and the destruction of dozens of temples there by the peaceful Kashmiri Muslims. In 1989-1990 (before Ayodhya) and

b) the desecration and destruction of about 80 Hindu temples in Bangla Desh as well as of many temples in -Pakistan, accompanied by heavy violence against the Hindu minorities there, In November 1909 and afterwards.

It is also certainly a sign of the low Intelligence of the Hindu extremists that they were unable to explain to the world that the existence of a Ram temple on the site of the destroyed structure has long been proved and that they had offered to take the "mosque" down and rebuild it in some other place.

I am sure the Western media will soon offer a similar forum for the Muslim members of BJP and RSS and then for Hindus and other Indian non-Muslims belonging to the above parties and organizations as they have repeatedly granted to Indian Christians and Muslims. The above groups have all their grievances and will be happy to make them known to the Western reader (even if only after the elections in some Indian states).

You need not take my lines as a personal criticism; it is intended to be a necessary correction of general reporting on South Asia.

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