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Your Kashmir report in "Weltspiegel" (world mirror) of 14 Oct. 2001

Your Kashmir report in "Weltspiegel" (world mirror) of 14 Oct. 2001

Author: Hermann Jung
Publication: Aseemaa
Date: June 2002

Dear Madam/Dear Sir,

In the above report I noted, first of all, that Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, at least one third of the territory, was not mentioned, and in Indian-held Kashmir not the Government side 'but only the opposition had its say.

This is no exception here; neither amnesty international nor the big media give exhaustive and unleashed information on Kashmir so far.

In the following I shall summarize in a few points what I have to complement and correct in this matter:

1. You lament that so far Kashmir has hardly been independent. In fact it was more or less independent until Mughal rule. Just as in Germany before Bismarck this was the rule in India then. Kashmir was, however - and this can be verified through the oldest scriptures - from Video times onward part of Indian civilization. Cultural unity was upheld even in periods of decline, and political fragmentation.

2. You mention torture by the military and in this connection talk about "vanished" persons, but do hot mention the cruelties and murders committed by the rebels, also on Muslim population. The result is that many Kashmiri Muslims also fled to other parts of India where they try to build a new existence.

Among the Kashmiri Hindu minority right at the beginning of the armed rebellion a number of families were massacred. After that most Hindus fled south. V/here Hindus stayed on - above all in Southern Kashmir and in rural Jammu - the whole Hindu population of some villages was killed at night. After that it was the turn of Kashmiri Sikha and loyal Muslim groups. Women without exception were raped before being massacred.

Muslim girls sometimes get a fairer treatment. They are being abducted, have to serve as prostitutes, and when they are "used up" are usually let free.

Since about summer 2000 some victims hat their tongues out and eyes squeezed out.

Here some examples of how Kashmiri Hindu refugees were treated by Indian governments:

During the night preceding Jan. 26, 1998, the Indian Republic Day, 23rd Hindus were killed in the village of Wandhama,- among them three little children and nine women. The state-owned Indian television sent the news only on 26 Jan. afternoon and did not mention the religion of the victims. Because of this incident the Kashmiri Hindus staying in Delhi organized a protest march on 27 Jan. 1998 which after a short time was stopped by a strong police force which used water cannons and lathis to disperse the protesters.

In 1998 terrorists in captivity received Rs. 17 per night plus free medical treatment whereas Kashmiri children whose parents had been killed by the terrorists got just Rs. 2.50 a day. Since long terrorists have been destroying state schools in Kashmir where as not only here but all over India, above all in vulnerable border areas, Koran schools are on a fast increase. It is the same phenomenon as in many Muslim countries, and the fundamentalists have no recruiting problems.

3. India a plebiscite in her part of Kashmir, this you learn in a very report here. The interesting point, however, is that no report says anything about a plebiscite in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and about the attitude of the people there.

When the British left India there existed many half-autonomous princely states whose rulers could decide, without any plebiscite, whether they acceded to India or Pakistan.

The ruler of Kashmir delayed his decision until Hill 'Tribes of North-Western Pakistan - the same breed as those who for the last few years have been terrorizing the Afghan people - took it out of his hands.

These tribes, supported by the Pakistani Army and partly led by Pakistani officers, invaded Kashmir, killing, plundering and raping and trying to make it a part of Pakistan. The princely troops were no match for them.

On the advice of Sheikh Abdullah, the leader of the most important political movement in Kashmir, the Prince declared his accession to the Indian Union so that Indian troops had a right to move in and push the intruders back.

Through this declaration of the Prince Kashmir had become, just as other princely states, and including the parts now held by Pakistan and China, a part of India. And just as in other former princely states of the Subcontinent there exists no reason for a plebiscite. In the beginning of the Kashmir controversy India had agreed to a plebiscite as soon as the state would become peaceful. Thanks to the subversive activity of Pakistan Kashmir never became peaceful.

Peace could be had pretty quick if Pakistan would stop supporting terrorists and close their training camps. How the situation borders on the grotesque: Afghan-terrorists are being eliminated. Therefore Pakistan is needed. The consequence seems to be that terrorists operating from Pakistan-held Kashmir and their training camps there will not be touched. Only Indians suffer through them.

If and when in Indian Kashmir the mood of the people- after manipulated elections, for example made, according to 'western observers, a plebiscite desirable, then these observers should have demanded the same also for Pakistan-held Kashmir as well as for Pakistani provinces Sindh and Baluchistan. And when in Indian Kashmir election results were manipulated in favour of India then this was not engineered from -Delhi but in Kashmir and by those who wanted to stay in power and hold their positions there.

Between 1947 and 1952 the first Chief Minister of Kashmir, Sheikh Abdullah, repeatedly declared in public that the accession of his state to India was irrevocable and final, but from January 1948 onward he had deliberations with American politicians about an independent Kashmir.

Already from that time the Hindu minority (Kashmiri Pandits) had to suffer heavy discriminations through Muslim authorities in taxation, allocation of posts, promotion etc. and had to resort to legal means to get their due.

To sum up: What your telecast and other reports on Kashmir sub-press exonerates nearly exclusively the Indian side.

It is also striking that immediately after the rapprochement of the U.S. and Pakistan, necessitated by the Afghan campaign, we have biassed reports on India in the German media.

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