Hindu Vivek Kendra
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Rally to Support fight against Pakistan sponsored Terrorism

Rally to Support fight against Pakistan sponsored Terrorism

Lake Elizabeth Park (Area C)
40000 Paseo Padre Pkwy
Fremont, CA 94538

DATE: June 9th, 2002; SUNDAY
TIME: 11:00AM to 12:30PM

For Directions to the park, visit:

We want to bring to everyone's attention the heinous crimes committed by General Musharraf of Pakistan against humanity. We urge all freedom loving people to bring pressure on Pakistan to put an end to this terrorism.

Pakistan pretends to be a friend of USA while in fact it is the epicenter of terrorism. It actively sponsors terrorism throughout India and in the western world. Their ideal is Talibanization of the entire world.

India has been bearing the brunt of Pakistani sponsored terrorism for over a decade. Not just in Jammu & Kashmir but also through out the heartland of India. The result is over 300,000 homeless and over 50,000 dead.

Contact Information:
Gaurang Desai 510-701-5052 grd_home@yahoo.com
Ashwini Surpur 650-506-0599
Devi Prasad Ivaturi (408) 528-1654 deviivaturi@yahoo.com

Supporting Organizations:
Brihan Maharastra Mandal
FIA of Northern California
Gujarati Brahman Samaj
Hindu Students Council (HSC)
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh
India Cultural Association (ICA
Indo-American Kashmir Forum
IATCCKannada Koota
Kashmiri Overseas Association
Lata Mangeskar Foundation
Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP)
Santa Rosa Gujarati Samaj
Vishwa Gujarati Samaj of USA
Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America

Terrorist Activities in last two weeks

Date District Terrorist Acts
May 29, 2002 Srinagar Journalist Zaffar Iqbal shot
May 21, 2002 Activist Abdul Gani Lone shot dead
May 14, 2002 Kaluchak 33 killed in attack on army camp
May 14, 2002 Kupwara 1 SPO killed and another injured in Bomb blast
May 14, 2002 Pulwama Kidnapped and shot dead an 18 year old student
May 13, 2002 Srinagar Fired six rifle grenades on the Security Force
May 12, 2002 Kupwara IED Blast. No Injury
May 12, 2002 Pulwama Stand-off small arms Firing
May 11, 2002 Kupwara One Civilian Killed and One Injured.
May 11, 2002 Badgam One Civilian Killed and One Injured.

For more information about FISI, visit www.fisiusa.org and to sign
online petition.

*       Enough is Enough!!! - Stop Pakistan                    *
*       To Stop terrorism around the World                    *
*                  Sponsored by                                         *
*  Friends of India Society International (FISI)              *

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